Venture Trust develops sustainable markets by:
Development is not simple; therefore we should not expect a simple solution. The past decades have seen a number of gadgets and products, which “promise” to provide quick solutions to issues such as famine, contaminated water, and disease. These problems still exist, and exist in great quantities.
We believe that the victims of drought, hunger, and preventable disease deserve a holistic approach to alleviating these issues. At this approach’s heart is the use of mid-level technology within a framework that addresses a community at the level of the individual, the entrepreneur and the educator. This approach is not quick, but it is thorough, and effective. Venture Trust is not only the technologies it employs, but also the method of employment. We do not aid, we empower.
Knowledge is power. Venture Trust services are focused on disseminating information that is relevant to advancing the standard of living in underdeveloped economies. Venture Trust services play a particular role in addressing the social aspect of the triple bottom line and add sustainability through training new leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Venture Trust promotes technical training for students interested in testing the limits of ISSB and Solar Concentrating technology. Venture Trust seeks partnerships with local professors and classrooms to conduct research and hands on demonstrations. Venture Trust provides technical training for everyone who uses our products, and we hope to reach even more people through our forthcoming distance-learning program, The Kuunganisha Portal.
We want agricultural goods to find their way to proper markets. Individuals in underdeveloped economies are enterprising, however, it is sometimes necessary to foster a connection between a farmer and markets, which have a demand for his or her product.
Marketing services, vary from case to case, however can include services ranging from quality control and logistics optimization, to communications and design. Venture Trust maintains a database of common international standards, and seeks partnerships with standards associations to improve the quality and yield of agricultural goods.